A wise man Guy Kawasaki try to give some of his method to change our heart


      Here we go again how to able becoming a nice businessman. Nowadays, world is get connected so close with the technology and internet. Those two kinds of things is can not be separated from each other. So, we need to see and learn a lot a lessons from the worldwide brand in the world. If you still can not name one of them, I will help you to name it. Are you ready? Here are some of the famous brand dealing with the technology and internet. For instance I am sure you will be familiar of the name apple , zappos or virgin right. Maybe the second one is not so familiar for you. It’s okay. The next lesson here is you need to take a page from their playbooks , in order to enchant your customer for sure.

      in order to do that, a man namely Guy Kawasaki, the investor, author and former apple “ chief evangelist” try to boil down the entrepreneur into a modern style one. What is that supposed it means anyway? Like this if you want the quality of apple, or the trustworthiness of Zappos, and the likeability of Richard Branson. Guy moreover try to in his book, namely The Art of changing hearts, minds, and actions , and his speech, Kawasaki outlined the path to “enchanment” in 10 steps.

    So, here some of the simple steps to be done to become more nice in our society. The first one is be likeable. It is so simple as it seems, but hard to do it anyway. Can you imagine can we achieve anything if people do not like of you. Kawasaki would like to share his own story with Virgin company. When he met Virgin founder, Mr Richard Branson. He asked whether if he flew Virgin. When Kawasaki said it he was at United Global services member. Mr . Branson suddenly down on knees and starting polishing his shoes with his own jacket. How a memorable and unforgatblle memory to be forgotten just like in a wink. That moment is becoming a moment he started to fly Virgin, Kawasaki said.

     The second steps is be trustworthy of course. What is the truly meaning of that word exactly? Here is the meaning you can be like Charlie Sheen the famous actor Kawasaki said. Trust is never a given, so your company needs to be proactive and project and an air can be trust. One easy way to extend the first hand of trust to your customers is by giving them something to be forgotten indeed. Which is your trust to them, with no strings attached. As an example , Zappos gives their customers unlimited shipping both ways.

       Ok, we next to the third step from Guy Kawasaki which is perfect product or service. That will be easier to engage people with great stuff than crap right. Kawasaki said that he have been tried it both ways. So how can you tell if your product or service is a great stuff? It was great for sure said Kawasaki. If it is intelligent , complete and empowering it will be elegant anyway. Can you see my point right from here so far. Ok ladies and gentleman still fastened your set belt for the next step that you may apply.

    For the forth step from Kawasaki is we need to be able to create a changing hearts is we need to tell a great stories to anyone. Either to our customer or the other people which is close to your heart. That will touch a lot I believe for sure. Especially to our company itself. Our company may need an origin from our own story for sure, and then

    It's a lot easier to enchant people with great stuff than crap. "I have tried it both ways," says Kawasaki. So how can you tell if your product or service is 'great stuff?' It's great, says Kawasaki, if it's "deep, intelligent, complete, empowering, and elegant." Look further than eBay, with its founding story of the founder itself whom Mr. Pierre Omidyar that wanting to enrich his girlfriend’s ability to trade Pez dispenser. Though it is a cute story, but a total bullshit story Kawasaki chides. Anyway you do still need a story to be tell to your own friend and etcetera.

    Here come the fifth steps to changing our own hearts which is we need to overcome resistance. Here Kawasaki says that it might be tough to get a parent to buy a kid to shoot them up game. But do we understand the impact to your own children anyway. Other ways to overcome resistance, we need to show social proof- your friends which are doing it, provide data as an evidence.

      For the sixth steps , we need to make our enchantment enduring or everlasting. Kawasaki try to give us some example for instance. At grateful dead concerts, there was a special area for show taping. The band was not worried about piracy anyway. But on the other way around to endure over time. How can you apply this to your business? We need to invoke reciprocation at every chance you get. When someone is say thank you, the optimal response is your welcome. Kawasaki said that you would do the same for me.
     I would like to say that this step is the most important one for me. We need to be a great presenter for ourselves and for our audience of course. When speaking to a group , customize the introduction to your audience. Kawasaki does this by showing an intro slide of him doing something the local audience people. Keep your presentation as short as you can do. Kawasaki says the optimal formula for a presentation is 20 minutes and 10 slides, by using 30 point font.

     For the eight steps is we need to use technology as it is. Nowadays the world is getting flat as it is. It is a great time to enchant people with technology, because as we know technology is fast and free and also ubiquitous said Kawasaki. But there will always be speed bumps when new technology is involved. Get rid of it , or risk to loose our customer.

       We are getting closer to the steps that provide by Kawasaki which is enchant up. if there is a question : how do you impress your boss? The answer is when your boss asks you to do something, you drop something else then do it said Kawasaki. If it was a big project, you should drop everything and make a prototype fast. Then draft an early rendering, and ask your boss if that’s what she is looking for it.

     Now after we enchant up of course we need to enchant down right. Now if your boss say you need to not only enchant your customers, but also your employees. One easy way to solve this problem is by show that you are willing to suck it up said Kawasaki. And the bottom line it will says like this get your hands dirty that’s all. Hope the nice solution will get you how to more change your own hearts more wise and nice. Good luck my dear friends and relatives.
